Protection for Enrolled Learners

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As a course provider, The Open College’s policy on the protection for learners is subject to Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012.

This means that if, for whatever reason, we cease to provide the programme or course that is over 3 months in duration for which you enrolled for, we have specific and legally binding arrangements in place to refund all course fees most recently paid.

We are fully Bonded and all Major Award course fees and courses over 3 months in duration are fully protected and secured by this Financial Bond.

For programmes/courses under 3 months duration Protection for Learners is not required under Section 43 of the Qualifications Act. All our Programmes clearly state the timeframe they are to be completed by and all have ample time provided.


Programmes Covered under our PEL arrangements Include:

  1. Advanced Level 6 Major Award in Business (6M4985)
  2. Advanced Level 6 Major Award in Early Childhood Care and Education (6M2007)
  3. Early Childhood Care & Education Level 5 Major Award (5M2009)
  4. Business Studied Level 5 Major Award (5M2102)
  5. Healthcare Support Level 5 Major Award (5m4339)
  6. Sports, Recreation & Exercise Level 5 Major Award (5M5146)
  7. Advanced Level 6 Major Award in Sports, Recreation & Exercise (6M5147)
  8. Training and Development Special Purpose Award (6S3372).
Protection for Enrolled Learners